After the successful return of the Greek Beer Awards this year, it’s time to kick off for 2024.
The Greek Beer Awards start today with the entry form opening earlier than ever. After all, it was something you asked for. From our side, we offer the possibility to register in three periods, two “Early Bird” and one last with the full cost of participation. In all periods the possibility for an even lower participation cost per unit remains for 6-9 and more than 10 participations.
The registrations will take place in two phases with the first two taking the form of “Early Bird”, the first ends on September 30 and the second on December 31. The participation closes on February 28, which is the last period.
As we announced during the Event Night, new categories were added to the list, which was enriched with even more styles, mainly that of top-fermented beers. Also following last year’s expansion of the Greek Beer Awards to countries in Southeast Europe and the Mediterranean, new countries are being added this year as well, among them Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia, Algeria, and Lebanon with Italy and Spain as Mediterranean countries being the two big additions.
The tastings will take place in March and the Event Night in April 2024, with dates to be confirmed. There will be a new communication regarding the process of sending and storing your samples. Their shipping will start on January 8, 2024 and will last for two months (March 8).
We will gradually inform you about news, additions, and announcements regarding the Greek Beer Awards process, through our website.
Stay tuned!